With more than 40 years of combined experience, the attorneys of Singer Pistiner, PC are prepared to handle your case.

Child Support FAQs
When Does Child Support End in Arizona?
In Arizona, parents must pay child support until the child is 18 AND is out of high school.
What Is Retroactive Child Support?
In cases of retroactive child support, a judge can require a noncustodial parent to make payments to the other parent for expenses related to their shared child before a support agreement was made.
Is There a Statute of Limitations on Back Child Support in Arizona?
Yes! In Arizona, back child support (or retroactive child support) has a 3 year statue of limitations according to A.R.S. ยง 25-320 (C).
What Does Arrears Mean in Child Support?
Arrears in child support mean that the parent responsible for paying support has not done so or is past due on their support payments. Regardless of whether the noncustodial parent deliberately left the support unpaid or accidentally missed a payment, Arizona law requires that child support agreements be met appropriately.
Can You Go to Jail for Not Paying Child Support in Arizona?
Potentially. If only one payment is missed, you can hire an attorney to assist in enforcing the support order with assistance from the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). However, repeatedly refusing to make child support payments constitutes a violation of the support order made by the court and can be considered a class 6 felony under Arizona law (A.R.S. 25-511). This could result in a penalty of up to a year and a half in jail.
Contact our Scottsdale child support attorney today at (480) 418-7011 for a consultation.
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"Rob is the best!! Being served with an unreasonable petition is stressful! Rob explained the process, the law, and all possible outcomes."
- Maile W. -
"Rob is great at what he does."
- Chris S. -
"He was very confident, responsive, and very informative."
- Mike T. -
"Jason was absolutely amazing."
- Justin A. -
"Jason was there to mend my mistakes and professionally deal with an opposing party who was less than cooperative."
- S.C. -
"Rob was straight forward, honest, and extremely professional in his communication to me as well as opposing counsel."
- Greg -
"Anytime we had a question Jason is always available."
- Teresa -
"He provided knowledgeable and useful information."
- Maria